Unfortunately, our little Bear is still not a fan of his lone school day each week. He still begs me not to go. He still cries HARD at drop off. He still
layes down on the carpet until he decides he might as well go ahead and get up. And recently, Mr. Hayes has upped his rebellion
anty by refusing to do any and all art projects. I'm not quite sure when the crafty guy first decided to go with the anti-art approach, but I do know that the 'Hayes' Masterpieces' folder is looking more than a little lean. And obviously, I can't have that. We have been trying our best to persuade him to get back on the artistic saddle, but he has met each and every creative plea with a very firm and decisive "I won't." I was just about to throw in the towel when I got the all important call this week...Gigi was on the other end of the phone and I could hardly believe my ears when she exclaimed "HAYES DID AN ART PROJECT!" Well, I guess "did" is kind of a strong word...more like the little turkey laid on the ground and pointed to the hearts that he wanted his teacher to glue on his paper. But hey, this momma will take it AND not only will I take it, but I'll put it on the fridge. : )