Monday, March 8, 2010

Cowboy Jack and Hand-Me-Down Hayes!

I think I do a pretty good job of keeping things even and fair between the boys. I breastfed them both for 3 months. I take turns getting them out of the car first. I sing them both one round of "You Are My Sunshine" and one round of "Mama's Gonna Buy You a Mockingbird" at bedtime. You get the idea? Deliberate. Calculated. Even Stevens. Now with that being said...I hate to admit it, but I totally failed Mr. Bear in the even Stevens' department this past weekend. We were headed to the rodeo and of course, I just had to deck the boys out in all of their cowboy gear. Now since Jack is about to have Rodeo Day at school, he just had to have a new cowboy shirt complete with the pearl snaps. And since he was a cowboy for Halloween last year, he already had the Wranglers, true blue cowboy hat, authentic bull rider belt, and Jason's old perfectly scuffed cowboy boots. Let's just say he was looking good and he knew it. Now let me tell you a bit about sweet Bear's ensemble...he had boring old Gap jeans, Jack's Halloween shirt that was quite a bit bigger than I remembered, no belt to speak of, an old straw hat that I dug out of the very bottom of the costume chest, and some of Jack's new cowboy boots that were quite possibly twice the size of his feet. I felt so bad (probably didn't help that Jason kept referring to him as Herman Munster) that I promised him right then and there that he will be dressed to the nines for next year's Rodeo. No more cowboy behind the cowboy for him. Look out won't stand a chance!


Stone's Gems said...

I understand your goal of keeping things even. But Hayes is so good looking he looks great even in hand me downs!

Robin Soulant said...

He looks adorable in a toe sack...who needs a steson??

The Perthuis---Page Still In Progress! said...

Hayes is adorable in anything! They look so cute together.

Stone's Gems said...

Now those are a couple of cutie pie cow pokes!!!