Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The Schoolhouse Blues

So just so we're clear...this whole being pregnant thing on the first day of school thing really STINKS! Not only have the boys been basket cases, but this chubby mama has been just as bad if not worse. Today was Bears turn to start school and today was also the day I found myself sitting on a toilet at Target balling my eyes out. Go ahead and picture it, but I can promise you that it was way more pitiful than anything you are imagining. I knew in my gut that today was going to be bad. Hayes has been telling me for weeks that he is not a big fan of school and that he would rather just "stay with mama." And well, I can't say that I blame him too much...he did witness firsthand the mayhem of Jack's first day back and we do have a really great time at Michael's while Jack is schooling it up. I mean, who would want to miss out on that? : ) Not to mention the fact that he has never stayed with anyone other than family members in his long two years. Even so there was a small part of me that held out the hope that Hayes would surprise me. That maybe he would get so entranced by the fire trucks, baby dolls,and trains that he wouldn't even notice if I left. Unfortunately, this was not to be. Our poor little Bear cried and cried when I left. His teachers said he refused to eat his snack, refused to play, refused to eat his lunch, and when I went to pick him up he was just laying on the floor with his back to the door, sadly sucking his thumb. Go ahead and picture it, but I can promise you that it was way more heartbreaking than anything you are imagining. I couldn't grab my sweet little boy up fast enough and we have pretty much been attached at the hip ever since. I'm not all that confident that we're going to be able to cut this cord by next Wednesday, but the two of us have decided to buck up and give it another go. Lucky for me once Jack got the details about Bears rotten day, he took it upon himself to give him quite the pep talk over dinner. The gist of his extremely inspirational talk went something like this..."Bear, you play with the babies and then mommy picks you up." And Bears response? "Otay."

Now why didn't I think of that?


The Perthuis---Page Still In Progress! said...

Poor Bear! I sure hope he does a little better next week, and you too. :)

Vanson's Mom said...

This truly breaks my heart. I really believe there is NOTHING harder in all our "mama moments" then the letting go. Sadly, it's pretty much the whole point of parenting. I know you and Bear can get through it..and of course those baby dolls are going to help!

The Dunsmores said...

Poor little Hayes. I know exactly why he was crying...he was the cutest stinking kid in the class...that has to be hard!

Hang in there little, er, I mean big momma! Ha! Just kidding...hope that didn't make you tear up.

love you girl!

Stone's Gems said...

Bear what a cute little student you are!! I predict that you will eat your snack by this Wednesday!!! Just remember that your second best girlfriend, GiGi, is right up stairs - tell Miss Dee to call me!!!