Sunday, June 17, 2012

A Big Shout Out for Lil' Bear...

Well, it seems that times they are a changin' around here! Somehow we have gone from two babies and one big boy to one baby and TWO big boys! You see, a week or so ago Bear up and decided that he was finally ready to do away with those yucky ol' diapers and take the leap on the undies bandwagon. We were so excited and SO relieved, but lo and behold...the awesomeness didn't stop there! Not only did he conquer the potty like a champ, but he is now on a full on 'Mr. Independent' streak. His growing confidence is surprising us everyday...from his water slide shenanigans to his awesome outfit selections and every other hilarious thing in between. We love you so much, our sweet lil' big boy! Keep it coming! : )

1 comment:

Vanson's Mom said...

Way to go Bear! We're potty training next week. Keep your fingers crossed! Been thinking about you guys. Let's get together soon and swim!!