Monday, July 23, 2012

VBS 2012!!

The boys did a lil' vacation bible schooling with Will, Andy, and Cash last week!! They had such a great time and we had such a great time watching them "sing" at their big end of the week music program!! Jack was all business and the lil' boys were anything but business which made for quite the eventful show!! : )

Another fabulous part to the week?? Well while the boys were schooling it up, the girls got to have some good ol' fashioned girl time!! We shopped, we Little Gym'd, we swung, we ran, we splashed, we snacked...aka we had some serious fun!!
Here are a few pics from our week of big time bonding...


The Montgomerys said...

what a fun week! love when you get one kid all alone!

jeannie said...

Love the pic of Ava and Kate in the carseat!!! BFF
