Thursday, August 23, 2012

6 Yrs Old. A Kindergartner. A Big Brother. A Daredevil. A T-Baller. A Scientist. 6 Yrs Old.
My Boy.

Dear Jack, 

The other day, you got really carsick. You quickly became an unfortunate shade of green so we decided that just to be safe, we would let you sit in my lap while your dad drove us home. Within minutes, you fell fast asleep and within seconds, I was drinking every bit of you in and storing it away. I saw that you're getting more freckles, but my favorite still remains the one on the side of your sweet little nose. I noticed that you've grown into your eyelashes just a bit, but no worries because those eyes of yours can always take my breath away, especially when they catch the sunlight just right. You still have your insane cowlick, but I am certain that people would pay big bucks to have your surfer boy highlights. You still have such a pretty skin tone and I will forever love, love, love your dimple. You are still one heck of a skinny minny, but you've also gotten so long and solid that it has become a major workout to carry you for any length of time. 
Somehow along the baby has become my boy.

And although the outside changes are many, it is the inside growth and change that really brings on my smile. You still value your personal space, but have become so much more vocal in your love...often telling me how much you just LOVE me while hugging me as tight as humanly possible.  You are still smart as a whip, spending most of your time working on elaborate "set ups" and then explaining to me exactly how your "mind works." You definitely know how to push your brothers' buttons, but you are also always in his corner and fiercly protective of him. You are confident and get a kick out of telling me that you were the one who taught me this, that, or the other.  You are brave and getting braver by the nanosecond. You can be serious, but you also have just about the goofiest streak around. You are popular...everyone wants to sit by Jack, play with Jack, and talk to Jack. You are kind...fair...AND hyper! Boy howdy, are you ever hyper! You are an amazing method actor and take your characters s-e-r-i-o-u-s-l-y. You are sweet on your sister and are so proud when she wants to sit in her biggest brothers lap. You are quick witted and chock full of expressions which keep us on our toes and rolling on the floor.
Somehow along the baby has become my boy.

So happy birthday to you, my sweet baby boy. You are one of a kind, but loved by all. I hope you will carry that all that you do and all that you become.
May your wishes come true this day and always.


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