Saturday, January 24, 2009

Camo and Cupcakes!

Peyton invited Jason on a hunting trip to Mexico this past weekend! Jason was super excited to go especially since his hunting days have been pretty limited this fall. I will admit that he has handled his lack of hunting time rather maturely and has only whined about it once or twice. He has mentioned (repeatedly I might add) that if we have another baby than we need to do a better job of planning around the hunting season. I just smile and say sure thing, babe. But as a wife of a hunter and mother of two boys, I am well aware that my weekends where Jason is hunting and the boys stay behind with me will be very few and far between. When Jason talks about taking his boys hunting, his smile is from ear to ear! I have even seen the glimmer of a tear in his eye which is so sweet and only burns me up just a little (the man didn't shed even the thought of a tear on our wedding day). Jack has already been saying that he wants to go hunting with Dada and they have almost daily conversations about feeding the ducks some "steel shot crackers." So I figure that while I've still got the boys with me, we better have one heck of a good time. Luckily, Gigi and Grandad are here to help me compete with their future "no girls allowed" hunting trips. We filled this past weekend with making cupcakes, a trip to the park, an afternoon at Chucky Cheese, and some shopping for a brand new "Dinoco"! I think I might actually have a slight edge at this point...

Jason and Peyton after a morning of "work"

Grandad and Jack just relaxing back at home

Hayes also knows how to put his feet up (literally)

Jack taking one of many licks out of his unbaked cupcakes

Maybe not fat, but definitely full and happy!

Hayes is still trying to figure Gigi out

Call me crazy, but I think Jack might be having a good time!

A quick photo shoot before we head out for our big shopping trip...a car for Jack and a hat for my increasingly bald baby! Poor Hayesee!

We asked Jack to raise his hand if he likes new cars and I'd say that's a yes!


Robin Soulant said...

Hayes is such a chunky monkey...his expressions are so funny...just want to give him kisses!I am with Jack on the cupcakes, always better before baked! No worries though, we'll fill those "no girls allowed" weekends up...did someone say shopping???

Vanson's Mom said...

I can't believe those thighs Hayes has! I just want to squeeze them. Looking forward to Superbowl Sunday!