Monday, April 6, 2009

The Littlest Fisher...

Hayes turned the big six months today and I just couldn't let it go without giving you a little update about our littlest guy. Even though everyone with more than one child told me not to worry, I really was so worried about if I would be able to bond with a second child. I wondered how could I ever love him as much as I do Jack, how could I give him all of myself when all of myself was already spoken for, etc. Thankfully those concerns seem so silly now and that is because I have spent the last six months loving on the most lovable little bear. And what a bear he is! He is fat in all the right places. He smiles from just about the moment he wakes up until he closes his eyes for the night. He has the most contagious belly laugh and he always saves the best of these for his very proud older brother. He still has the worlds stinkiest toots. He is into everything! He is constantly grabbing, licking, rolling, pulling, eating, and/or sucking. He is so laid back, but also has this big personality that has us spending plenty of time guessing about the who's and whats in this sweet baby's future. We have filled much of the last six months with imagining, envisioning, anticipating, and enjoying but it has answered at least one important question for me. How could I have enough love for two sweet boys?? Easy.


The Perthuis---Page Still In Progress! said...

What a great picture, he's so photogenic :) How could you not love on such an adorable little guy. He just lights up the room.

Robin Soulant said...

This picture seriously needs to be entered into a cutest baby photo contest. It looks like a magazine ad picture!! my favorite...can you send it to me??