Monday, May 18, 2009

I wrote a pretty sappy post about motherhood a few weeks ago so to balance things out a bit, I figured I'd write a not so sappy one today. One of the many great things about motherhood is that there are all these little things that happen throughout the day that remind you to never take yourself or this life too seriously. I had one of those today that I thought I'd share. I took the boys on an errand to Target (which seems to be the common denominator in many of my mishaps). Jack was getting a little restless while sitting in the cart and all his moving around was starting to make me nervous. I finally had to lay down the law and tell him about all the terrible things that could happen if he were to fall out of the cart. Jack listened, eyes wide, as I told him about how important safety is and how he needs to be very careful. I went on to tell him how he could crack his head open and we would have to go back to the doctor to get more stitches and that those stitches would make his other stitches seem like a walk in the park, etc, etc, etc. I then promptly rammed the cart full force into the fruit bin giving us all a fantastic case of whiplash.


The Reiersons said...

Ha! I think you are doing an excellent job - we love keeping up with y'all in your posts. Thanks for sharing the funny (and sappy) stories - we enjoy them all!

Robin Soulant said...

Now that's a cool feeling! There is something about that Target, you're snake bit...too funny.