Thursday, July 23, 2009

Milestone Mania!!

Wednesday might have been just another Wednesday for some of you, but not for us. Big, big things were happening around our house! First of all, Jackie went #2 in the potty for the first time EVER!! I know I mentioned that we were getting serious about this potty training business many, many moons ago, but our little turkey just hasn't been interested. Even with the active involvement of "Mater" and "Lightening" undies, he has been unwavering in his loyalty to the diaper. So we have been waiting. And waiting. And waiting. I only recently got just a little nervous about our lack of progress given the fact that he must be potty trained by his first day of school which is looming around the corner. So as you might have guessed, we are very, very happy about the little boogers recent toilet triumphs. And if that wasn't enough...we are also excited to say that Hayes is now steady enough to take a bath all by his lonesome! And by lonesome, I mean with his big brother getting sudsy as well and under the watchful eyes of his parents of course. Somehow seeing them tubbin' it up together is even cuter than I imagined! You would think that two major milestones all in one day would be more than enough, but our little overachievers decided to throw in one more. They had their first head on collision that required a Spiderman band-aid for each of them! After the coinciding tears finally subsided, Jack slowly realized just how cool it was to have a matching boo-boo with his brother. Do you think my matching obsession might be wearing off on him just a little? Maybe just a tad.

Jack shows off his big prize for the first potty poo-poo! Luckily, he seems to be just as excited about the much cheaper skittles that are now in play...

Two clean cuties!

Nothing cures a bang up like a double hug and a couple of look alike band-aids!!


The Reiersons said...

That last pictures is priceless!

Jennifer Leavell said...

SO cute! I was just telling Chase that I can't wait for the kids to be able to bathe together. Congrats on the potty training- very exciting!

Stone's Gems said...

You forgot to mention that the poo poo was on the side of the potty and not exactly in it - oh well nevertheless a major milestone!!! Jack thanks for calling GiGi and Gdad with the great news!!!

the fishers said...

Geez, Gigi. You're such a downer. It was on the seat and the intent was for it be in the bowl so therefore in my eyes it was in the bowl.

Robin Soulant said...

It's what they call a "bank" shot in basketball!