Sunday, July 26, 2009

Pajama Party!

When we first started thinking about having kids, I remember having these excited conversations with our friends about how much fun it was going to be to watch our kids grow up together. We talked about imaginary vacations, barbeques, sleepovers, and birthday parties. Of course daydreaming is always fun, but it's really fun when they come true!! This past Saturday was one of those nights that we talked about all those years ago. We went to check out the Welty's new place and cook out, but wound up having so much fun that we decided to make it a family spend the night too. Are we spontaneous or what? Thanks for the great time guys! Oh and for the pajamas, milk, baby wash, blow up mattress, burgers, diapers, pack n play, mac n cheese, etc, etc, etc.

Jason, Jack, Hayes, me, Amy, Parker, Peyton, Preston, Walker, Bella, Sofia, and Nico

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