Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Happy Birthday, Bear!

Our little Bear turned 1 year old today! It seems like just yesterday we were bringing him home from the hospital wondering what this little guy was all about. And even though this last year has just flown by, it is hard to believe that we were ever a family of just 3. So here is a couple of things you just need to know about this little boy who has blessed our family this past year. First of all, he is a cuddle bug. Luckily, he feels just right in your arms because that is his absolute favorite place to be. He loves to kiss...especially scarecrows, his mommy, and his brother. He is as stubborn and determined as they come. If you are unwise enough to get in his way then you will most likely be yelled at and quite possibly tackled from behind (just ask Jack). He is ridiculously ticklish and can be thrown into a fit of giggles just because you wipe some food off his shirt. He is super friendly and loves to wave at complete strangers. He wants to eat absolutely everything he sees, but isn't a big fan of sitting in the highchair. He would much rather spend his time climbing out of it, over it, around it, or under it. He smiles about a thousand times a day and it is pretty impossible to think of him without smiling yourself. We have affectionately named him the "train monster" because he likes to demolish most things in his path, which are usually Jack's trains or cars. He can throw a ball like a 2 year old. He sucks his thumb and plays with his belly button when he is content, tired, sick, bored, happy, upset, relaxed, etc. As you can probably tell, he is quite the mess and we couldn't love him more...happy 1st birthday, hayesebear! We love you!


Stone's Gems said...

I second the "cuddle bug" comment!!! Gigi and Grandad love you too little Hayes...


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Bear!

Robin Soulant said...

Sweetest little bear I know! Happy b-day Haysie!

The Perthuis---Page Still In Progress! said...

Happy Birthday Hayes!

Roger and Robyn said...

Happy birthday Hayes!