Monday, May 10, 2010

Happy Mudder's Day!

These three people mean the world to me. I am so proud to be the link between them and I love to share them with each other. Of course, I don't need a specific day to remind me of how much I love them but I am always up for celebrating relationships, especially those which shape and define me each and every day. My role as a mother has made me appreciate my mom on such a deeper level than I ever had before and I truly doubt that I would have nearly as much fun "mothering" if I couldn't share this journey with her. I am so grateful to her for showing me how this whole motherhood thing works. In so many ways, I still find it hard to believe that I am actually a mom. I find it crazy that I am the one that can heal the boys "boo-boos" and calm their tears with a simple hug or kiss. It can still make me smile when I think about how I am the one that answers "yes, buddy" when they call out for "mama" a million times a day. I cannot tell you how excited I am to be the grateful recipient of years of handmade Mother's Day gifts and crumpled up flowers picked by little grubby hands. It still amazes me that I get to be the one that teaches them that it's not okay to talk about poop at church, in front of girls, or at the dinner table. And how awesome is it that I get to cheer the loudest at the baseball games, take an annoying amount of pictures before prom, and mouth the words from the audience as they deliver their big line in the school play? Pretty dang awesome, if you ask me! So thank you my boys for reminding me everyday of the "fruits"of my labor! You make me feel lucky even as I pick dried cheese of the car seat or blot up pee off the carpet. : ) And of course, a thank you to my mom for showing me how to care for and love someone with all your being. I am a better mom because of you.


The Perthuis---Page Still In Progress! said...

I needed a box of kleenex for this one. Such sweet words Ashlee, your kiddos and Mom are just as lucky to have you as their Mom and daughter. You are an awesome Mommy, I have seen it with my own eyes.

francesca said...

tears in my eyes. Come on now. That was really special and super sweet.

Stone's Gems said...

Thanks for giving me those two sweet little dumplings to love - what a "mommy" journey we have had so far!!!

My life's greatest accomplishment by far = being a mom and GiGi!!!

Thompson Family said...

You need to add Kleenex disclaimers. You're too sweet and you make me want to be nicer to my little mom. :)

Robin Soulant said...

I teared up as well...such wonderful feelings that can't be bought or replaced.

Unknown said...

You're a beautiful, wonderful mom! I'm so happy and so proud of you.

Unknown said...

This is enough to sway towards becoming a mother.