Monday, June 21, 2010

Daddy Dearest!

Just because Grandad is off zip lining through the woods of Alaska, doesn't mean I would miss out in giving him a proper Father's Day shout out. I mean, how could I let such a perfect opportunity to tell him how much I love him go? Not only do I love this dad o' mine, but I also owe him so many thanks for so many things throughout the years...for being a father who was always a calming force, a moral compass, a sideline cheerleader, a loving presence, a helping hand, a positive example, (just to name a few) and for now being a grandfather who my kids pretend to call on the phone, beg to go to his house, and love to hug when he walks through the door. So thank you, Dad, for all of that and so much more. I love you!


Stone's Gems said...

Thanks for the Father’s Day message!

Nothing is more daunting and rewarding than being a parent as you are experiencing.

What you have become – woman, wife, mother – fills me with love, pride and joy!

And you have given me grandchildren for me to spoil. I can’t think of anything better.

Robin Soulant said...

This is too darn sweet! He is a great dad!

Stone's Gems said...

It is great to have such a great guy to share my life and kids with - what a sweet note from an even sweeter daughter!!!
