Thursday, October 7, 2010

Round 2!!

It was Hayes' real life birthday on Wednesday and of course, that meant it was also time for round 2 of our new found birthday tradition! Now that the boys knew exactly what to expect from the heavenly Chocolate Bar, they couldn't have been more excited to go. They spent the day telling me exactly what kind of candy they were going to put on their bars and by golly, they didn't waiver a bit once it was decision time. I guess if you've tasted pure goodness then it would be silly to change it up, right? We all had a great time once again and amazingly enough, we even upped the anty a little this time around. In addition to the big laughs, goofy dance moves, and wrestling matches...this time around we also had a diarrhea mishap, a manaquin accident, and a head stuck through the gate emergency! And again, who says parenting is hum drum? : ) Happy real life birthday, Boogie Bear! You are a sweet as pie, little mess and we love you millions!

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