Tuesday, July 12, 2011

This Ol' House!

It's not often that you get to go back in time, but that is exactly what we get to do for the next couple of months. Since the Friendswood place isn't quite finished and our rent house just happened to be free of renters...it obviously made a ton of sense to just move into our rent house. But the thing is that this house isn't just a rent house...it is the house that Jason lived in when I first met him. It is the place that I nervously drove to for his infamous Super Bowl party. It is the driveway where we shared our second kiss. It is the oven that I used to cook my first dinner (lasagna of course) for Jason. It is the backyard where we drank margaritas and played Survivor Mexico with great friends. It is the porch that I anxiously checked each evening for wedding presents. It is the kitchen where we called to find out that 'no matter how faint the line...you are still pregnant'. It is the couch where we suffered through a bout of food poisoning and wondered aloud if our love could get us through. It is the living room where we announced our very first baby news to yelling, screaming, and crying family. It is the nursery that we painstankingly painted the worst color of green possible. It is the yard where Jason and his dad had the big plan to build a fence and then finally had an even bigger plan to ask the guy down the street to build the fence instead. It is the wood floors that would creak each and every time we crept away from Jack's crib. It is the house where we fell in love and began this amazing journey. How wonderful to get to fill up this space once again...

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