Friday, February 17, 2012

A Couple of Fishies!

Well, I think it's safe to say that the slow down is officially o-v-e-r!! School is in full force and our spring activities are in full effect with swim lessons and t-ball practice!! Although t-ball is definitely a whole new ballgame (hehe), swim lessons are nothing new for us BUT it is really, really neat to see how the boys have grown since last year. Not surprisingly, Jack "The Fish" Fisher picked up right where he left off...splashing, jumping, diving, swimming, swimming, and more swimming. Bear, on the other hand, is a whole new kid this go round!! The little boy who cried and cried and cried last year is just a faint memory. Now he is a splashing, jumping, crab walking, swimming, and most importantly smiling fool!!
I think Hayes summed things up best when after their first lesson, Jack asked "Well Bear, did you cry just a little bit?" and Bear replied with a simple and quick "Nope, I just did awesome." : )


the fishers said...

Both of these little fishes are too cute!! They can come swim at Gigi's house any time!

the fishers said...

Both of these little fishes are too cute!! They can come swim at Gigi's house any time!