Monday, October 1, 2012

My Dream Maker

Today is our 7 year anniversary!! It's a little hard to believe we are already here, but then again we have  packed a whole lot of living into these past 7 years so a little part of me is like that's it?? Just 7?? We've both changed so much from the kids who said 'I do' such a short/long time ago...we used to live for the weekends, stress about nothing more than which movie to watch, and spend hours marveling about how our hands fit just right together. : ) And what about now?? Now...we moisturize, we discuss the pros and cons of discipline tactics, and we spend hours marveling about just how early is too early to go to sleep on a Saturday night. : ) Some people might hear this and say they've lost it...lost their edge...lost the spark, but to them I say nope, no can do.  You see, many things have changed. We have gone from an easygoing 2 to an overwhelming 5. We now have these sweet little people who look up to us and call us those two wonderfully scary names of Mom and Dad. We have gained a greater understanding of this world and the sadness that losing someone irreplaceable can bring. We have learned more about the burden of budgets and the pain of disappointing relationships. We have fought dirty and loved deeply. Yes, there have been many changes but...there has also been so much that has stayed exactly the same. Jason can still make me feel like the only girl in the room. He is still the man who hears my concerns and makes them his own. He still looks so cute when he's out working in the yard. He is still that dad...the involved one, the fun one, the affectionate one, the present one. He is still the thoughtful man who brings me home dresses just because. He is my dream chaser and my dream maker. And if that wasn't enough...guess what? Our hands still fit just right together and I'm willing to bet that they always will. : )


s said...

happy anniversary you love birds! Here's to the cutest couple I know (besides myself and my man).
Love you guys!

Stone's Gems said...

Wow Ashlee that is just beautiful!!!! You picked an awesome guy!
