Sunday, November 25, 2012

Find Ur Place!

Since Jack is now a big, bad kindergartner and way interested in all things reading, writing, and artsy fartsy...I decided wouldn't it be cool if he made some personalized place cards for our Thanksgiving dinner table this year! Not surprisingly, he jumped at the idea!
I gave him minimal instructions...telling him that he should just draw something that reminds him of the person or of something special he likes to do with them.
He did such an excellent job...with only 1 itsy bitsy exception.
Let's see if you can figure out what that itsy bitsy thing might be!
: )

Jack and Daddy climbing trees

Pop Pop riding a horse

Granny taking Jack to school

Jack and Grandad catching bugs

Jack and Mimi playing tag

A flower for Gigi

Jack and Uncle Adam chasing the wind

Mom lying in her bed

: )

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