Thursday, June 18, 2009

Nothing like a Little Camo!

The best part about hand-me downs is you get to make them your own. This is especially true when you are a boy and you already own one pink bike, but then you are also given a bright pink, red, and purple "Dora the Explorer" jeep. One girly mode of transportation is kinda cool, but two? That's taking it a bit far. Luckily, Jack and Hayes have a sweetheart of a father who gets a kick out of little and big labors of love. Jason has spent the last few weeks in the garage, painstakingly spray painting and camo-stickering. All of his hardwork has finally paid off and the old "Dora" jeep is now just a faint memory. It has now become a very manly and rather macho piece of machinery. Jack is thrilled about his new wheels and loves to show everyone who comes over his studly ride. Way to go, Dada! You pulled it off once again!

1 comment:

The Perthuis---Page Still In Progress! said...

Nice! Can't wait to see Jack take Chase for a spin.