Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Happy America!

Our July 4th was quite the star spangled celebration! We started the day off at Gigi and Grandad's church (a.k.a Jack's school) for a parade, water slide, and snow cone shindig that hit us right in the patriotic sweet spot. The boys had a great time and we could have reasonably called it quits right then and there...but oh no, not us, not this 4th of July. We were just getting started. : ) After some necessary naps and some lickity split packing, we headed down to Galveston to meet up with the Welty's. It was a last minute trip that ended up paying off big time! I mean, what could be better than an afternoon by the pool followed by an evening on the beach? Then go one better and add great friends and fireworks to that and you got yourself one very tired, but very happy Fisher family. : )


Anonymous said...

Love those little 'redheads!' Glad you guys had a great 4th

The Perthuis---Page Still In Progress! said...

I had no doubt you guys would find something to do after our plans fell through. Looks like you all had a great holiday. Love the red hair!!

Derrek and Emily said...

Glad ya'll had fun! I love the picture of the boys looking out at the beach water. So adorable!!