Sunday, July 11, 2010

More Adventures in Parenting! : )

I probably should wait until tomorrow to post this since I am taking both boys to the dentist in the morning and will most likely have a number 12, but I just couldn't resist sharing some of my recent parenting mishaps. Hope you get a 'kick in the pants' out of them like I did!

1. Going to the library is like giving a 3 1/2 year old boy crack and then telling him to whisper.

2. If you ever wondered whether a 3 1/2 year old has enough upper arm strength to throw a snickers high enough in the air where it almost hits the Target ceiling and then lands on the checkout counter two aisles over...the answer is yes.

3. If you would ever like to quickly tie dye a t-shirt then give your 1 1/2 year old seven skittles while he is wearing a white shirt.

4. If your son telling you that he needs to poo-poo doesn't seem to register...or if your son telling you he just did poo-poo outside doesn't make much of an impression...when he tells you a few minutes later not to worry because the dog just ate his poo-poo that just might get your attention. Maybe.

5. Venturing out on a morning of errands with two kids in tow is always a gamble. It could be two hours of bliss or two hours of pure hell. Either way there is a good chance that you will be changing one child's poo-poo diaper while the other child's urine is streaming in a perfect arc out of the back of your car. And of course, you will be parked in the most visible parking space in the whole lot.

6. Try not to take it personally, if you decide on a whim to confide to the check out lady that you also have another baby on the way, if she AND all of the people in the long line behind you erupt in boisterous laughter.

7. It is a strange feeling to be awakened from a dead sleep by a leopard pouncing on you. I don't really recommend the experience.

8. If you give your 1 1/2 year old his first tootsie pop, be prepared for his right eyelid to soon be stuck to his right cheek with superglue-like power.

9. Try not to be offended if your husband calls you an "alarmist" just because you scream in surprise as your sons diarrhea lands on your big toe.

10. If you are putting a band aid on your sons nose, try not to include all of his left eyelashes in the band aid process. Trust me, you will lose a lot of credibility as his nurse.

11. If your son tells you that he needs to go to the bathroom, probably not a good idea to take one more picture as his quiet poo-poo dance becomes more and more energetic. You might be moments away from being the parent of the kid that pooped all over the driveway at the birthday party.


Stone's Gems said...

Too funny - dad and I got a big LOL from almost every number!!! It is amazing how much POOP comes from those two!!!


Roger and Robyn said...

These crack me up! Definitely done the diaper change while the other kid pees in the parking lot...

Vanson's Mom said...

HA!!! Number 11 kills me. Band-aids can be dangerous! Keep 'em coming Ashley. Nothing makes me feel better about my own parenting "adventures" then hearing about other people's too!

Robin Soulant said...

Never a dull it! Did #6 really happen? I would have to say something in my defense:) And #11...was that our driveway or did this happen again?? :)
Enjoyed this entry tremendously!