Tuesday, August 24, 2010

A Birthday Tradition is Born!

You didn't think you could get away with just one Jack birthday post from me, did you? : ) Jack's true blue birthday was on Monday and we obviously couldn't let the day pass without some more fun. A few months ago, I came up with the bright idea that a trip to the 'Chocolate Bar' should be our very first Fisher family birthday tradition. Call it a case of mother's intuition, but I kind of had a feeling that this new tradition would be a big hit with our two little sweet tooth's. However, I had absolutely no idea what a HUGE hit it would be with all of us. Let's just say, I now understand why they call this place a "bar". Jason and I had a blast watching the boys get drunk off their homemade chocolate bars. And when I say drunk, I mean drunk. Here are a few pictures of the mayhem that took place before we actually took a single bite out of the M&M, gummy worm, and skittle ridden chocolate bars. You'll just have to imagine the sugar induced chaos that happened afterwards, but do know it included an impromptu game of hide & seek, a heart to heart with a statue, some store front window washing with a 4 year old tongue, and someone who will remain nameless falling down every few steps on the long walk to our car. It was AWESOME!

1 comment:

Derrek and Emily said...

Definitely looks like a fun time to me :)