Monday, August 9, 2010

Sanibel Smiles!

Gigi decided that it would just be wrong for us to spend a week at the beach and not have a makeshift family photo shoot. There was a little backlash to this idea but after some thought, we all decided that we might as well go along with our very persuasive matriarch. Good thing because it turned out to be relatively painless and even kind of fun! Here are a few of our favorites!


Robin Soulant said...

So guys make it look so easy! What's the secret? Looks liek lots of fun had by all, and such a great pics! BTW...great pic of your parents too!

Stone's Gems said...

At lease one of those should make the cover of some "beach travelers" magazine!!! With a little airbrushing for GiGi and Grandad!!!