Saturday, March 12, 2011

Bring on the Beads!

It's no secret that Gigi loves Kemah so when she found out that her beloved Kemah was having a Mardi Gras Parade, of course we just had to go and go quick! And even though I love to give Gigi a hard time about her little obsession, I have to admit that we had an absolute blast living it up on the boardwalk and enjoying the beautiful Spring day. It was the boys' first parade experience and I'm thinking that Jack may end up coming down with his very own obsession because he LOVED it! All I know is that every parade from here on out better have pirates, gold coins, and an enormous amount of beads or there will be one very disappointed little boy! Oh and lets not forget the twix bars or there will be TWO very disappointed little boys! : )

Jack was all about the salute

Bear was all about the carousal (until it started moving)

I'm definitely all about this chubby monkey

My big boy...I mean pilot

The grandparents and the grandkids

A sweet kiss from sweet Bear

Check out Mr. Mardi Gras

Bear kept his eye on those pirates

Gigi and her little Kemah lovin' protege!

1 comment:

Stone's Gems said...

I think Jack and I just might get ourselves a fire truck and be in the parade next year!!!
