Sunday, March 27, 2011

Thank You, Mr. Sandman!

So it actually looks like all of our many months of finger crossing paid off because little Miss Kate is certifiably and unquestionably a dream baby!! She sleeps like a rock star and when I say rock star, I mean one that has just crashed after a 3 day bender. She has not a care in the world as she is shuffled from place to place. She doesn't mind having her diaper changed (or not) on any semi flat, semi clean surface. She takes the ear piercing squeals of her brothers in stride. She likes her bottles warm, but is easily convinced that quite a bit less than warm will do. She hardly acknowledges the army men flying past her face, the pretend snakes that stop to hiss in her ear, or the clumsy hugs of two rambunctious little boys. She is easy on the eyes and even easier with her smiles. She seems more than content to watch back to back episodes of "Dinosaur Train" and I have only noticed a slight smirk as she quietly observes my sad attempt at P90x...


And just because this is far from our first rodeo, I have no doubt that this post is completely going to jinx us. She will probably wake up tomorrow with the earliest onset of terrible two's EVER but hey, I figure sometimes you just have to give credit where credit is due. : )

1 comment:

Stone's Gems said...

We truly are blessed to have such a sweet little gal!! I can't decide if I like her first or second chin the best - both are very nice features!
