Sounds kind of like a fairytale, huh? Well, not exactly. : ) We moved Jack into a toddler bed on Monday night and he did awesome! In the morning, he spent a few minutes talking to his car sheets and then cautiously got out of bed and walked into the living room. We called out his name and he came running into our room yelling "wake up, big boy bed!" Although the night couldn't have gone better, I knew the real test would be
nap time today. Everything started off smoothly, but I soon realized that it just wasn't going to fly. After wrestling around the bed for twenty minutes, he got out of bed and went to the door. He began to call out "hey, mama" over and over again. With no response, he began to fake cry which shortly escalated into real cries. He became more and more dramatic and of course I began to second guess myself. I started to think...poor little guy, he didn't ask to be a big boy and get a new bed, he didn't ask to have a new little brother, etc. You get the idea of where things were headed. So of course, I went to comfort my poor little baby and ended up sleeping with him for the next two hours in his big boy bed which is actually really little. Don't forget we also had
Kiki, brown bear, Ellie, tiger, and of course Hayes in the bed with us. It was definitely a tight fit and I think my entire left side is still numb, but it sure was sweet to have that chubby little arm around my neck for a few hours...
Wish me luck for tomorrow!