Saturday, July 26, 2008

Under the Big Top!

The circus came to Houston and of course, I decided we had to go. We had been looking forward to it for weeks and Jack was primed and ready for "lions, and tigers, and bears, oh my!" As you can see, I had completely forgotten what animals were actually part of the circus. : ) Things started out okay...a couple of elephants came out at the beginning of the show and Jack loved them. He loved them so much that throughout the entire first half of the show he would yell at the top of his lungs "elephants, elephants!" Unfortunately, the elephants were the very last act of the entire circus. Once Jack realized he couldn't summon the elephants back on to the stage, he became pretty restless so Jason took him to buy a ten dollar snow cone (again my idea). Although the snow cone did hold his attention for quite a while, it also ended up mostly in my lap much to Jason's dismay. Things continued down the slippery slope of fun until somewhere between sitting on the floor in front of the concession stand putting Jack's shoe on for the fiftieth time while Jason bought a ten dollar hot dog and Jack continuing to try to sit on the disgusting circus scummy floor in front of my seat while we attempted to ignore the kids who one by one began to have melt downs around us...Jason turned to me and said "How long did you say this thing was?" and all I could do was laugh. Luckily the majority of my parenting experiences have completely exceeded my expectations, but I have to say that the circus was not one of them. Jason and I decided that if the boys ever want to go to the circus then they can go with some friends when they are old enough to drive. : )


Stone's Gems said...

Loved the circus story!! The circus may not have been any good, but you guys looked really cute together!


Gi & Gdad

The Reiersons said...
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The Reiersons said...

Great to see that you guys are doing so well, and now we can keep up with how ya'll are doing! We're missing our great friends in TX and the sunny weather. Minneapolis is quite nice right now, but we hear the sunny days are limited...

Little Jack's definitely got dad's face! Can't wait to see Hayes!

Jeff and Amanda

The Dunsmores said...

I laughed out loud through this entire thing. I have found, also, that things that are intended to entertain children often do not. I say stick to opera, Home Depot, and more adult-like activities.

Thompson Family said...

Will you start writing my blog? You're hilarious!!! Jack and Hayes are so lucky to have such a fun mama!

The Dunsmores said...

wow...must be nice to get 5 COMMENTS!!!!!!!! Gotta love it when your students out perform you.

Anonymous said...

This one's for Ms. Dunsmore so you can get to 7!!!

Love the pics!