Friday, July 11, 2008

Brotherly Love!

Jack is really excited about his little brothers upcoming arrival. We aren't sure exactly how much of it he really gets, but we are doing our best to prepare him. We talk to him about Hayes all the time, have taken Jack to every doctors appointment with us, gotten him a book about what to expect, etc. Some days it seems like he really gets it. He likes to hug and kiss "brother" a lot, has apologized to him for kneeing him in the head once, and has even asked permission to sleep with his stuffed animals until he gets here. At our last doctors appointment, we listened to Hayes' heartbeat. Jack had a big smile on his face and when we asked him what his brother was saying, he said "go ball tent" All I can say is Hayes better come out running!

Of course, there are also days when we just aren't so sure how much he understands...those are the days when we ask him what his brothers name is and with a smile he says " JACK!"

1 comment:

The Dunsmores said...

Roanin wants to know if you are available as a ball ramp as well. Let us know.

So cute! I love the kissing pic. Keep up the great blogging work!