Saturday, August 9, 2008

Look out, Van Gogh!

Jack has been taking an art class this summer and I can't say that it has been the most enjoyable experience for me. I have thought that this was either because of the paint fumes in the room or because the class is at 4 o'clock in the afternoon and since Jack goes to sleep around 6:30 or 7 p.m., it is just too late in the day to expect him to act civilized much less quietly engage in an art project. Most of the 45 minute session is spent with Jack doing about 5 minutes of painting and 40 minutes of running around the room, climbing the stool to wash his hands for the 10th time, saying "hi" and "bye" to the cars in the back storage closet, opening and closing the office door, and (if it is a really good day) throwing art supplies from the different stations on to the ground while I try to quietly discipline him without disrupting the other seemingly normal toddlers. : ) Sounds like good times, huh?
Well, at class last week the teacher put out some shaving cream colored with paint and Jack couldn't get enough of it. As Jack sat in his extremely messy spot for the majority of the class, I soon realized that he had finally found his medium! All of my previous theories to explain away my child's erratic behavior were thrown out the window as it became clear that he had just been searching for his niche! Luckily, it only took him seven classes to find it! : )


The Dunsmores said...

HA!!! What a cutie. I wanted to know how proud I am of you with such a preggie brain to produce such a wide variety of semi-difficult because never used words. Nice work little momma!
Miss you guys...

Robin Soulant said...

How cute!! I need something for my fridge. Get to work Jack!

Stone's Gems said...

Oh my gosh! I can't believe the "ear" art! I have some shaving cream at home (don't ask) - we can do some pictures this weekend!