Sunday, August 17, 2008

A Weekend with Gigi and Grandad!

Jason was out of town this weekend so Jack and I decided to spend the time at my parents house. Unfortunately, Jack ended up coming down with a cold on Friday night which kind of threw the weekend off a bit. The poor guy was so stuffed up he had a lot of trouble sleeping. He and I were bunking in the same room so we ended up having some pretty cute conversations in the middle of the night. Of course they would have been cuter had it not been two in the morning. : ) Somehow even with the sleepless nights and early mornings, we still managed to have a lot of fun and even were able to get some things accomplished. Jack was excited to tell Jason all about his weekend when he got home. He was especially thrilled to tell him about seeing a frog up close and personal. Jason decided that the best part of the story was that the frog peed on Grandad while he was holding it for Jack!
Between the lack of sleep, diarrhea diapers, and temperamental toddler...I think our visit definitely wore Gigi and Grandad out! But I'm almost positive that they would agree it was all worth it...haha! Let's just hope we can all recover in time for the birthday festivities next weekend...


The Dunsmores said...

Again, must I ask if you need to borrow my flag of poor motherhood for your next outing with barefoot Jackie? Just the pics. You guys look like you had fun.
Miss ya!

Anonymous said...

Charlee is a huge fan of the first popsicle picture! I love that you took a pic of him in Old Navy without his pants and shoes, rather than take that time to put on his pants and shoes. Poor Jason can't leave without you guys running around town looking silly! I only pick because I love you guys!

Stone's Gems said...

GiGi and Grandad had a great time too, although we were worn out! OMG what are we going to do when there are two of those little guys!!! I think I need a personal trainer...
