Monday, September 1, 2008

Beachin' it!

We, along with Gigi and Grandad, decided to take advantage of the pre-hurricane (or no-hurricane) weather and head to Surfside. None of us had been there before and we were looking forward to checking it out since it is a much closer drive for us than Galveston. Although it is still not the prettiest of beaches, we were all pleasantly surprised by how easy it was to get there and vowed to definitely make it down there more often next summer. It was so much fun to watch Jack have such a good time! He had a blast throwing the ball to Tess, going out in the deep water with Dada, walking with Gigi and Grandad, and smashing to smithereens each and every perfect sand fish that I would make no matter how hard I tried to distract him. When we got in the car today to run some errands, he started saying "go beach" over and over. Let's just say he wasn't too thrilled when we pulled up outside of Target...

1 comment:

The Dunsmores said... are looking GREAT! I am so impressed...that is pregnancy done right. Keep it up girl! not much longer now...

love ya'll...