Sunday, September 21, 2008


Well, things are slowly returning back to normal around here since Ike hit land a little over a week ago. We were only out of power for about 24 hours and although the past week has presented some minor inconveniences...all in all we realize we were very lucky and have much to be grateful about. I also decided a couple of good things do happen when you are faced with a natural disaster and days with no power, no internet, and/or no cable. First of all, you usually surround yourself with friends and family which is always a good thing. And secondly, everything in your life naturally just slows down. It actually can be pretty nice if you let yourself embrace it. In keeping with this slower pace...Jason, Jack, and I decided to wash our cars by hand today. I know, I know, what a novel idea! However, it was really great to get something done not exactly in the fastest or most efficient way, but definitely in the most fun and relaxing way. Although don't get me wrong, Jack took his washing very seriously and would hardly speak to either of us as he worked. : )


The Perthuis---Page Still In Progress! said...

Love it! I should of had you guys over to wash my car, it's definitely in need of one.

The Dunsmores said...

Yeah...I agree. Send those boys this way when they are done.

You look great as usual...I can't believe you are as far along as you are. Nice work little lady.