Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Our First Annual Football Frenzy!

The Superbowl has always been good to us. Jason and I actually began our torrid love affair on Superbowl weekend five years ago. And then last year, we found out that we were pregnant with our sweet Baby Hayes. We decided to keep these good times rolling and host a Superbowl party every year. I think the first party went off without a hitch and exactly the kind of "frenzy" I imagined ensued. The kids ran themselves ragged and crazily enough the adults actually got to watch most of the game. Jack had an absolute blast and has awakened each day since saying "my friends here?" So a new tradition has definitely begun and hopefully everyone will be able to join us again next year. And just think...all of our little babies and our much older, but still handsome husbands will soon be playing football in the yard during halftime. Makes you smile, doesn't it? Me too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We had an awesome time! Thanks, again!