Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Parkin it Up!

So what do you do on an extremely windy, but absolutely gorgeous weekend in Houston? You head to the park, of course! We spent two full days enjoying the great outdoors and now are even more anxious for Springtime. Let's just hope all of those groundhogs were wrong this year!

Jack called this his "nice and comfy" swing

Hayes was a big fan of the picnic blanket

Jack and Gigi hanging out on the train...Jack admitted that he was a little nervous.
No more nerves...just a million "all aboards" from now until the end of the ride

My other little cuddly conductor

Of course, you have to have a group pic by the duck pond
Who needs a fishing pole when you have a fishing stick?
Totally Gigi and Jack's MO...eating all of the duck's crackers when they are supposed to be feeding them.
The ducks weren't too hungry which was just fine by Jack
Off to the next adventure...

I guess a little bit of kayaking with Grandad would be adventurous enough
Jason's turn to get in on the kayaking action

Yes, the dock is as unstable and crooked as it looks

Jack figured that if he can kayak then he can definitely climb a tree!

Sweet Hayesebear in his way too big hat

ItalicAnd sweet Jackie B in his way too big glasses!


Anonymous said...

I love the one of Hayes smiling on the blanket! And Jack looks so cool in those sunglasses! Glad you guys had a good weekend.

The Dunsmores said...

Hayes is really looking like Jackie in so many pictures. So handsome. Quite a cute little fam. Love ya'll! Miss ya.

Stone's Gems said...

My best days are Jack and Hay-z days!!! GiGi