Friday, February 27, 2009

The Hayesers Game!

It might have taken a couple of months, but Jack has really gotten into this big brother thing. He spends a lot of his time teaching Hayes about cars and reminding him that it's just a pretend dinosaur on the t.v. He has learned that Hayes is too little to wrestle yet, although I sometimes catch him sizing him up in eager anticipation of wrestling matches to come. Jack has a great ear for his little brothers cry and will say "Mom, it's Hayesers...let's fetch him up!" He then runs as fast as he can into his room, karate chopping his door, never missing a beat as he rushes to greet him. He has also become very protective of his little brother...when I pretend to offer Hayes some of his teddy grammies, he is extremely quick to remind me that he is just a baby and can only have a bottle and pacifier. : )
Now don't get me wrong...this love fest is definitely not one sided. Hayes is equally enamored with his older brother. He is always curious about what Jack is up to and loves to watch him run from one end of the room to the other. He has offered up one of his biggest giggles ever when Jack caught his basketball the other night. As soon as he sees Jack coming, he always just begins blinking like crazy because he knows things are about to get real exciting. I know as soon as he is up and running, he will be right on the heals of his super cool, older brother. Below is a pic of Jack's latest pastime that he has affectionately termed "The Hayesers Game". He lies down on his back and then Hayes lies down on Jack's belly. Pretty simple...but smiles and laughter are had by all, every single time!

1 comment:

Stone's Gems said...

Those two are such cutie pies - I am so blessed to be a two-time GiGi!!!