Wednesday, February 4, 2009

A Year and Counting!

We just celebrated the year anniversary of our "mini mom's night out" group! A small group of us get together and go out to dinner all by our kids or husbands in sight. And even though we spend most of the evening talking about our kids and husbands, it has been so nice to have some much needed girl time especially with women who are going through so much of the same things as I am. Did I just call myself and my friends women? Weird. Anyways, they have been so sweet and such a support to me that it is really hard to believe we have been friends for such a short time. They have helped me in so many obvious ways...making dinners for us after Hayes was born, sending me flowers after a tough day, watching Jack when I was sick...but even more than that they are always there to talk or just lend an ear. When Jason and I first talked about moving out to the burbs, one of my main reasons to hurry up and get here was because I wanted our kids to have best friends that they've known since they were babies. I had no idea that I would be so lucky to build such lasting friendships in the process. So here's to another year of our little bitty mom's group, expanding belly's and all!


Anonymous said...

Awwww!!! You made the preggo here cry (but in a good way)! We love you guys too! Love the pic of our babies holding hands :> Wonder if I'll still like it in 12 years!?!?

The Perthuis---Page Still In Progress! said...

I can't believe how much our babies have changed. It's so great to have such good friends. We love all you guys.