Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Gullible Much?

I am always hoping to get great pictures of the boys bonding. And by hoping, I mean that I will go to extraordinary lengths to get great pictures of the boys bonding. Like most mothers I know, I will often jump, dance, sing, clap, and otherwise make a fool of myself in order to capture that perfect picture. No one knows the lengths I will go to more than my husband. That's right sweet, sweet husband. I have had to hear about Jason's unwavering sweetness from family and friends ever since we first got together. Blah, blah, blah. BLAH! Since I have had to endure this constant and overwhelming flattery of Sir Sweetness, I have decided to present this very unflattering post to show that even the sweet ones have a nasty side. Simply put, my sweet hubby exploited my need to capture and document our sons lives. I have been anxiously awaiting the day when Hayes can sit up well enough that the boys can take a bubble bath all by themselves. I can already picture it (no pun intended) in my mind and can't wait to capture it on film. Since Hayes can't quite sit up yet, I have been taking the bath with the boys and Jason assists from the sideline. The other night, Jason (with a glimmer in his eye) suggested that we should put a ton of bubbles in the bath and then I should go underwater. That way it would look like the boys were in the bath all by their lonesomes. I kinda had an inkling that he might be messing with me, but after staring him down for a minute decided that I had never loved this man more and that it was a great idea! It wasn't until I came up sputtering for air and glanced over at my now laughing husband did I realize that I had seriously been had. What a punk! I am so glad to be able to clear up all the misconceptions and let everyone finally know the truth...I have been the sweet one all along! Ha!


Anonymous said...

oh my, did he get you! Be glad he was smart enough to suggest bathing clothes beforehand!

the fishers said...

No, the bathing clothes are due to a conversation I had with Jack a couple of weeks ago. It went something like this...
"I like your boobies"
"No, those are mommy's privates"
"I like your privates"
See why I started with the bathing clothes??

The Dunsmores said...

Good call on the bathing clothes. It sucks when they get so smart....

Miss ya!