Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Bear's 1st Trip to the Zoo!

We haven't been to the zoo in ages!! Well, almost a year to be exact. I figured Jack was long overdue and that it was high time Bear saw his relatives up close and Monday morning, I decided that we not wanted, but needed to go and check this place out once again. And boy I am so glad that we did! We had such a great time...just my little bear, my little monkey, and me. It was great weather, the boys were on their best behavior, and it even felt like we had the place all to ourselves for a little bit. Hayes was perfectly content eating his millions of puffs and checking out the scenery from the comfort of his stroller. He would either strain his neck all the way back or lean all the way forward if he saw something that he found interesting. He muttered a few "wows" and "whoas" along the way but took most of it in just like he does most things nowadays...calm and cool behind a fistful of food. Jack, on the other hand, was excited as can be and wasn't afraid to chat us up about anything and everything even remotely animal related. He exclaimed "oh my goodness" at every exhibit and proceeded to share his big ideas on the animal kingdom as we made our way along. Of course, that was only when he wasn't chanting "we're lost at the zoo, we're lost at the zoo" Hey, I only had to talk to those golf cart guys once! Promise! And I totally meant to go see that goat twice...

1 comment:

Stone's Gems said...

Wow! I wish Gigi had been there!