Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Just a Couple of Old Pros!

Jack started preschool today and what a difference a year makes! The tearful toddler and blubbering pregnant lady were just a faint memory as we both walked in like we owned the place this year. Well maybe not exactly owning the place, but there definitely was not one single tear shed as we placed his name tag on his freshly ironed shirt, put his cute little backpack in its very own cubby, and met his brand new teachers for the first time. And although I would say that this drop off was one for the record books (ours at least), pick up time was even better. There he was...in the exact same outfit as he was when I left him with a smile on his face, doing his signature kick ups in the middle of the room. After one of the greatest little hugs we've ever had, he proceeded to tell us all about his great day while pretty much devouring an entire sub sandwich. And a summary of his first day in the big time? Jackie B concluded that it was just really, really awesome.


Derrek and Emily said...

Awwww I am so glad that it went well for both Jack and mommy. And yay for no potty accidents thats great!!! Way to go Jack!

Roger and Robyn said...

I'm so glad he had a good first day! I was thinking about you guys yesterday.

Mary Atherton said...

Yay Jackaroo! I love all your new blog posts. Y'all have had a busy, fun summer!