Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Keep 'em Coming!

I figured it was time again to share some more of my hard knock lessons learned...hope you enjoy!

1. If you have been dealing with sick kiddos all day and the first thing your husband asks when he gets home happens to be "is that a booger on your cheek" try your best to not get offended.
2. If a police officer at the Astros game tells you that no one under 21 is allowed in this area, try not to exclaim "oh thanks, but I'm 33" It will be rather embarrassing when he looks at you with quite a bit of pity and says "I meant the kids, mam"
3. If your son has not had a runny nose before or after school, you still shouldn't be surprised if he tells you proudly that he blew a bubble out of his nose during snack time.
4. Don't ever think that you are having the worst day ever because just when you think it can't get any worse, you might end up on the losing end of a very bad case of diarrhea in a freshly potty trained 3 year old.
5. Don't ever try to put your son (who is not exactly cooperating) in "time out" close to the automatic door at the entrance of the store. It is a little embarrassing when it continues to open and close showcasing your own private hell.
6. Don't ever hand your wallet to your son, forget that you handed your wallet to your son, leave the store, search your car frantically, remember that you handed your wallet to your son, and then be surprised when he calmly states that he put it on the counter at the grocery store. Duh.
7. And if you ever do find yourself in situation #6, don't ever lock the doors, put the hazards on, and park in the fire lane because you don't want to get the sick kids out of the car in the pouring rain while you sprint in to grab your wallet from the customer service desk
8. And if you ever find yourself in situation *7, don't be surprised if in those 2.2 seconds you ran into the store to get your wallet three cop cars won't decide to swarm your car and start asking questions. All of the attention might make your boys' day, but it definitely won't make yours.
9. Do not ever serve blueberry applesauce to a toddler next to any piece of furniture, wall, or ceiling.
10. Always take pictures before a breakfast buffet, not after.
11. Don't ever think that you, your 3 year old, and your 1 year old are ever just going to take a little peek at the fish tank because you might find yourself carrying two children (one screaming at the top of his lungs with his pants down) searching frantically for some assistance after a failed poop attempt ends dramatically in a stall door smashing some little fingers.
12. Don't ever leave the dishwasher door down because you will be surprised how quickly an almost 1 year old can climb on to it and begin to wave to you with a steak knife.


Roger and Robyn said...

Too funny! B climbed in the dishwasher all the time. I am cracking up from the part about your wallet!

The Perthuis---Page Still In Progress! said...

Sounds like you have been one busy little momma!

Jennifer Leavell said...

THANK YOU! I needed that laugh this morning.

Vanson's Mom said...

My stomach hurts from laughing. Oh the adventures! I think my fav has to be the "no one under 21." Priceless!!!