Thursday, November 19, 2009

Giving Thanks!

Jack had his Thanksgiving Feast at school this week and of course, that meant more stage time for our blossoming star. Since we are now veterans at this school production stuff, we all knew just what to do...Jack played to the crowd, Jason manned the video camera, I handled the still camera, and Gigi was put in charge of the wild Bear. The kids were dressed up as Pilgrims or Indians and sang songs about turkeys and thankfulness. I figured that all of this thankfulness talk was probably making Jack a little sentimental about his many blessings. I decided the ride home was the perfect time to find out whether my hunch was correct. So I asked "Hey Jack, so what are you thankful for?" I fully expected my name to be at the top of the list...maybe behind his dad or brother...but at the top nonetheless. Instead, he answered without hesitation..."cars." After a minute, I decided that I was okay with being 2nd to cars so I probed a little deeper asking "Oh okay, anything else?" He answered with an emphatic..."trucks". After a couple of minutes, I decided I was okay with being 3rd in his life so I shamelessly probed just a little bit more and asked "Okay buddy, is that it?" His answer? "Yep."
Oh well, there's always next year...


Anonymous said...

That's one handsome little indian! Love those moves - he got those from you, momma?

Robin Soulant said...

How fun!