Monday, November 2, 2009

Happy, Happy Halloween!

While Jason was running his little heart out in the Big Apple, the boys and their little hearts were trick or treating 'Cowboy' and 'Indian' style! Jack had a great time rounding up as much candy as his little boots would allow and Hayes had a blast enjoying the fruits of all of his hard work. Jack has been saying that he wants to "do Halloween again" and by the way Hayes has been diving for those stray M&M's, I am willing to bet that he agrees with this sentiment wholeheartedly! Heck, he might have even worn that dang feather in his hair if someone had only mentioned that there was going to be M&M's! Oh least we've found out his weakness for next year! : )

1 comment:

Francesca and Mark said...

Your little cowboy and indian are super cute!