Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Smile Circles!

These two just make me smile. They make me smile even when I am dog tired and I look at the clock to find out that it is only 9 a.m. They make me smile even when I walk through a pile of sand that has randomly been unloaded in our living room. They make me smile even when I am catching bites of chewed up food in my hand. They make me smile even when the 30 minute bed time routine is now pushing an hour. They make me smile even when I realize I have been sleeping on top of 5 cheerios and a blue snake all night. They make me smile even when I have just picked up the millions of blocks, walk out of the room for two seconds, and then return to find the millions of blocks are back all over the floor. They make me smile even when I have seen a whole lot of poop and wiped a whole lot of bottoms and then I look at the clock to find out it is only 9 a.m. These two just make me smile from the inside out, blue snakes and all.


The Perthuis---Page Still In Progress! said...

They are so sweet! I bet Jack is in heaven everyday having such a cute and hugable little brother.

Stone's Gems said...

Being a Grandparent is the best. These grandboys make me smile randomly throughout the day whenever I remember something they said or did. What happiness they bring! And I don't have to sleep with snakes, wipe bottoms, or noses. I pick up the blocks only once after they leave to go home to Mom and Dad.
