Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Some Birds Without the Bees!

So Jack has been asking a whole bunch of questions lately. He wants to know who made the table, who made us, why do we have knees, who made chocolate, who made lizards, etc. I will spare you my ridiculous answers to these questions, but just know that I did shamelessly throw a Willy Wonka in there somewhere. : ) With spring in the air, I knew it was probably only a matter of time before we had our very first session of the 'birds and the bees'. Thank goodness for me it was the 3 year old, super scaled down version! But I figure I've definitely earned my keep now so I guess the 12 year old talk is all Jason! Hehe!

So here's about how it went with Mr. Questions...

Jack: Remember when I was in your belly?

Me: I sure do.

Jack: Did I wiggle around in there?

Me: You sure did. You even had the hiccups sometimes and my belly would go "hiccup, hiccup"

Jack: How did I get in there?

Me: Well...

Jack: Did I crawl in through a hole in your belly?

Me: Well, sort of.

Jack: Did Bear crawl in through a hole too?

Me: He sure did.

Jack: Why did you carry me in your belly?

Me (a little teary eyed): Well, because I wanted you more than anything in the whole wide world.

Jack (not the least bit teary eyed): Let's do it again!!!


Robin Soulant said...

Can't stop laughing!

The Reiersons said...

Good luck with that - ha ha! ;)