Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Bluebonnets 2011

As any good Texan with kiddos knows, a yearly picture in the bluebonnets is an absolute must! Usually, we've been lucky enough to come across some pretty decent patches that always seem to line the side of the freeway. Once we've spotted a spot and I've convinced Jason that we most likely won't be run over then we would often do what I like to call the 'photo shoot blindside'.

It usually went something like this "Okay bud, I know you need to go pee-pee. Um, let's think. Okay, daddy's going to pull over right here. Hey, how about you go right down there by those beautiful blue flowers. Good job, buddy. Okay, you're done? Why don't you sit down for a second on Daddy's lap and check it all out? Now, how about you put your arm around your brother for a minute? No, no don't worry about that bee. No seriously, he's not going to bother you. Yes, I promise! Oh look, here's my camera! SAY CHEESE!" : )

Now don't get me wrong...a bluebonnet blindside definitely has it's place, but this year we decided to be a tad more methodical in our madness. Robin and I ran in a race last year and happened upon a bluebonnet patch that made my mind race and my mouth water. We both decided that we just had to bring all of the kiddos back this year and amazingly enough that is just what we did. And surprisingly enough, there was minimal kicking and screaming. I guess they're learning to recognize that gleam in my eye and have come to realize that some battles are just not worth picking! : )

1 comment:

Robin Soulant said...

Your pics are AWESOME!!! Such a fun time!!