Monday, May 16, 2011

Spring Sing 2011!

Jack's class had their end of the year concert on Friday! And true to past performances, the little booger put on quite the show! Looking back, it seems like all of his shows have had their own theme...some times it's been a wardrobe malfunction, other times it's been a strange physical ailment...well, this time I'd have to say the theme was just pure unadulterated, uninhibited, straight up GOOFINESS!! Oh yes, Jack sang it from the rooftops (at times during dead silence) with ants in his pants and silliness in his toes! Man, this boy of ours makes my heart smile and most days he darn well makes it laugh out loud. : )

P.S. These videos don't do our show stopper justice, but true to my past trying to be "efficient" I erased all of the pictures off my camera before uploading them. Ugh! Ugh! Double UGH!

Since you probably don't have my parental homing device...he is center-ish in the striped shorts. : )

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