Saturday, November 29, 2008

Happy Turkey Day!

Jason and Jack have added a new element to the bedtime routine lately...his prayers. Although there are a couple of different versions, they usually go something like this

Jason: Dear Lord
Jack: Dear Lord
Jason: Thank you for...
Jack: Momma
Jason: Thank you for...
Jack: Baby Hayes
Jason: Thank you for...
Jack: Dada
Jason: Thank you for...
Jack: Nina and Papa
Jason: Thank you for...
Jack: Gigi and Grandadad
Jason: Thank you for...
Jack: playground
Jason: Thank you for...
Jack: car pillow
Jason: Thank you for...
Jack: strawberry
Jason: In Jesus's name, we pray. Amen.
Jack: In Gigi's name we pray. Amen.

Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday! We definitely did!


The Dunsmores said...

Beautiful little family....

Happy Turkey Day to you guys.

the dunsmores

Robin Soulant said...

That's too sweet!

Stone's Gems said...

I don't think that Jesus will mind that Jack said one little prayer in GiGi's name - I do wear a halo much of the time!!!

