Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Grandad's Birthday!!

It was Grandad's birthday earlier this week! We decided to celebrate by sticking close to home due to the boys and the fact that Jason can cook a mean steak. Uncle Adam also happened to be in town which made it a full family affair so Grandad's birthday was already off to a good start. We spent the afternoon playing with play-doh, swinging on the playground, and racing cars. I'm sure you can guess who was in charge of the itinerary. Jack has also recently added a new game to his list of favorite things to do. He likes to say "be lion" or "be monkey" or "be horse" and then watch the adults in his life make fools of themselves (as you can imagine, I was just oh so happy to "be pirate" at the doctors office the other day). But on this festive afternoon, Grandad was definitely in the impersonation zone and we were very impressed...especially by his very energetic and somewhat scary "be hippo" routine. After a fun and relaxing afternoon, we sat down to a wonderful meal that left even Uncle Adam and Jason stuffed. Jack had been looking forward to the birthday cake all day and Gigi definitely did not disappoint him with the chocolate cake with chocolate icing! Thanks for sharing your big day with us, Grandad!

1 comment:

Robin Soulant said...

Looks like fun! Hayes looks so mcuh bigger already!