Sunday, October 19, 2008

Two Little Pumpkins!

We ventured out of the house to take our two little pumpkins to a pumpkin patch on Sunday afternoon. It was just too pretty of a day to pass up and I'm so glad we went when we did because the patch was already starting to look a bit scarce. Unfortunately, Jack was being very two once again and did not feel much like being photographed. Hayes, on the other hand, had a great time and was so excited to be there that he peed all over himself and his car seat. Of course, I am not in full newborn mode yet and forgot an extra outfit. We ended up having to just strip him down and wrap him up in a blanket for his first trip to Target. Once we actually made it to Target, Jack began running around the store with almost an entire smashed banana stuck to his pants. Jason and I just kept looking at each other like yeah, no problem...we totally have this under control. I'm not sure if the looks we received from others were expressing the same sentiment, but what can you do?


The Perthuis---Page Still In Progress! said...

How funny. Our pumpkin pictures were a little rough too. :)
They turned out great though.

Robin Soulant said...

Glad to see the Fishers out and about! I am sure little Jack-o-lantern had a blast with his new baby brother! Hope to see ya'll soon...